Clauses 85, 86 and 90 of the Roman Agreement, which sets out the basic tenets of the European Community, aim to achieve economic benefit ultimately due to the fact that the same clauses alllow consumers to substitute within the European Common Market, thus increasing product and service competitiveness within associated members. As a result of the Ankara Agreement, dated 1963 and an additional protocol, dated 1971, Turkey have committed to erect a Competition Commission in accordance with Clauses 85,86 and…
Prf.Dr. John Gray says that that there are four phases which indicate weakening of emotional bonds and loss of love and defines them as the following: 1. Resistance 2. Resentment 3. Denial 4. Supression Prf.Dr. John Gray says that that there are four phases which indicate weakening of emotional bonds and loss of love and defines them as the following: 1. Resistance 2. Resentment 3. Denial 4. Supression Those phases occur inevitably within the relationships which parties shall not tell…
Over seven millions of motor vehicles are in operative state in Turkey. For maintenance and repairment of those vehicles, an amount over three billion USD for spare parts is spent. This spare part market attracts many entrepreneurs due to its large volume. According to researches, the vehicles usually stop visiting the authorized dealers after the expiry date of warranty period and start to visit private services and repair-shops since: 1.) Less repairment and labour costs are paid within private services…
Differentiation efforts are very crucial for establishment of a long-term strategies for companies in order to survive within present markets with fierce competition. All employees, including the top management, are trying to find reason of their existance in the markets while determining their long-term strategies. Companies, who define customers as reason of their existance shall steal a march at the beginning. The definition of customer within dictationaries: Customer is the person who gets used to buy regularly from a company.…


"Use Your Potential / Success Guide of the Service Station Manager" Ayhan Dayoğlu

Publised By OYDER

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