Friday, 14 October 2005 22:25

Stephen R. Covey and Lions Club

Last Wednesday I attended the Çemenzar Lions Club October monthly meeting as a guest spokesman having been invited to do so by my dear friend Nejat Ulugöl. Being a spokesman is not as easy as being a guest, speaking to a crowd whose interests you know nothing about is difficult and requires preparation. As I approached the stand I remembered Stephen R. Covey, whose name I had first heard from my general manager, and began to share what I knew…
Wednesday, 28 September 2005 22:25

Istanbul – The Amazing City

Istanbul is an amazing city. Its traffic and trade is almost indexed to the schools in Istanbul. In summer everyone from car salesman to coach companies awaits the start of the school year. So what happens when schools starts? Well everybody talks about traffic jams until the school holidays. Everybody complains about how a 10 minute drive takes hours thanks to the school buses and students once school starts. Why is it the school buses fault? Are these not the…
Perfection is a word used by everyone nowadays; get perfect grades in school, find the perfect job, get the perfect score in sports, from seven to seventy perfection is the heart of everyones’ dreams. People seeking perfection set their aims and then the path they will take in order to achieve them however, some people succeed while other work hard but do not reach their aim. The ones that don’t reach their aim work hard, cannot accept defeat and constantly…
OSD published the 2005 Q2 performance report for the automotive industry. According to the report, 442,891 vehicles, an increase of 2.6%, where manufactured between January 05 – June 05. 52% of vehicles manufactured were cars whereas 39% were pick-up trucks. 323,913 vehicles, a decrease of 15%, were sold within the domestic market between January 05 – June 05. Car sales which was 236,000 in 2004 Q2 declined to186,000 in 2005 Q2 with a decrease of 21%. The total amount of…


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