Our country`s real economy has begun to suffer due to the global economical crisis which started in the last quater of 2008. The extent of the problem is unknown however, in comparison to the average 7% growth rate (GSMH) between 2002 – 2007 the expected growth rate for 2009 is 1% which is not promising and leads us to believe that numerous companies may seek a change in strategy. Whether it is pushing performances from average to excellent, reducing costs,…
The Turkish car industry is going through a hard time which seems to have no immediate solution however, I do not believe that pessimism is the answer to the problem. People who witnessed the crisis of the coach industry in 2001 will remember the 90% downsizing in the market. Ofcourse it is impossible to compare the events of 2001 to the current situation. In comparison to a global crisis that has spread like wild fire throughout the world from the…
90% of passenger transportation in Turkey is made by road transportation vehicles. This remarkably high rate is caused by different transportation policies. In addition, coach companies contribute this fact since they have been developing theirselves and their services for such long time. Nevertheless, recently, more and more passenger prefer airline transportation especially for long-distances day by day. Airline companies are able to sell tickets almost with the same price as bus tickets since they can buy fuel without paying private…
Things are not like they used to be. Day by day costs are rising, the difference between product qualities is deteriating and the demand of consumers is continuing to rise. In order to stay standing new ways are being sought to overtake competitors. Market and trend analysis is not executed as company owners are too busy trying to match their competitors instantaniously, which could result in profit margins decreasing. In order for companies to stay standing they need to expand…


"Use Your Potential / Success Guide of the Service Station Manager" Ayhan Dayoğlu

Publised By OYDER

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