Saturday, 06 August 2005 22:25

The relationship between employee and corporation dies within Four Phases

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Prf.Dr. John Gray says that that there are four phases which indicate weakening of emotional bonds and loss of love and defines them as the following:
1. Resistance
2. Resentment
3. Denial
4. Supression
Prf.Dr. John Gray says that that there are four phases which indicate weakening of emotional bonds and loss of love and defines them as the following:
1. Resistance
2. Resentment
3. Denial
4. Supression
Those phases occur inevitably within the relationships which parties shall not tell the truth each other. To study on those four phases have vital importance for restoring the problematic relationships in order to prevent loss of love and keep the devotion alive. Occurence of those phases, which are confronted on the way to the end of relationship, can only be prevented by accepting and sharing the truths clearly and completely.
Those phases can be occured within the relationships between employees and corporates. Employees shall be able to keep their relationships happy and alive within the companies they work by using their creativity, otherwise they can be desentisized to their work environment by living the four phases in turn.
If the current phase is known, it is easier to detect the precautions to be taken in order to prevent the death of relationship.
1.Phase : Resistance
There has been and will always be resistance available within human relationships. Resistance start with unacceptance against anything that the person or corporate within the relationship expresses, feels or wants to perform. In this case, persons start to critisize the other party (persons or corporates) and step out of the relationship. Persons do not pay enough attention to resistance and ignore their feelings on this fact. Acculumated emotions of persons, who do not tell truth theirselves and take necessary precautions when resistance is felt, shall move them to the next phase: resentment.
2.Phase : Resentment
Resentment appears as soon as resistance becomes more active. The persons within this phase shall not like or approve the actions of other persons or corporations, also dispraise those actions and finally get really annoyed with other party(ies). Resentment is occured along with internal anger and stress. The persons break off from their corporations emotionally within this phase. Anger, fury, annoyance, harrassment and hate occur in token of resentment.
3.Phase : Denial
The third phase, following resistance and resentment, is denial. It is almost impossible for the people within this phase to remain emotinally bonded to their corporations. In other words, the employees shall break off and be emotionally abstracted from their corporations. They do not prefer to discuss about problems, on the contrary, they tend to leave when they confront a problem which can annoy them. They do not want their colleagues to take precautions against problems. The persons, who has an emotion of denial, cannot meet on a common ground and cause polarizations within discussions.

Denial occurs as an inevitable result of acculumated resentment. Any person within this pahse should get rid of stress and resentment and relax.
4.Phase : Supression
Supression is the most dangerous phase. The ones in this phase feel so fatigue since they supress their emotions of resistance, resentment and denial successfully in order to ensure continuity of their relationship and keep their reputation among other parties. They usually think "No more useless fights, I want to forget all, I am fed up with this mess, etc".
The ones, who reach the last phase, are used to freezing their emotions in order to calm down within the corportaion. This emotional inertia shall influence the personal lives and make them lose their ambition and dynamism in case no precautions are taken. The lives of those people become boring since their lives are so predictable. Those persons, usually, neither feel annoyance and discomfort within this phase nor enjoy their lives. They also have pyhysical fatigue within this phase as well.
From an outsider point of view, it is not possible to feel or perceive the problem between that person and corporation. The persons, who have been members of this corporation by that time, are usually so gentle to the other members of the corporation and have minimum conflicts with them. For this reason, it is a very common mistake to think that this person is very happy within this corporation and have a wonderful position within the hierarchy. Moreover, those persons theirselves do not realize the problem with their corporations. They think that they have been serving their corporation for so long time and have already accepted their status and current conditions. They even make theirselves believe their happiness.
Those aforementioned four phases also define how the relationship between persons and corporation is taken under pressure. When those persons supress any emotion, they pass through all those phases. The duration of each phase is up to the persons and conditions. Some people can pass through those phases in days, weeks and even months whereas some can pass through in seconds.
The starring are the corporation directors for recovery those persons within any phase. Revealing thir love, those persons should step back supression, denial, resentment and resistance phases one by one in order to be relieved and to be recovered. The persons, who have stepped back those phases, are usually more efficient and productive. The similar method is used for the cure of autistic children. When those children are approached with love and care, and when this approached is continued, even if they do not react at first, they shall open theirselves and perform positive reactions.
Positive emotions cause high performance and consistent love for people in their relationships. Corporations, which include such persons, are used to riding high.
According to the result of a research of Gallup, there is no other parameter which increases the efficiency and productivity of employees other than direct relationship with directors. In other words, Gallup proves that the productivity and happiness of employees within their work places depend on the facts that
0 they feel that they are regarded by their directors,
0 they are appreciated within last 7 days ,
0 their development are encouraged.
On the other hand, positive energy arising from communication is the basic component of efficient management which increases the happiness of employees. The employees, who feel that they are regarded and believed by their directors, shall be able to have self-development consistently and ride high day by day with the support. Nevertheless, the employees, who are not able to see their directors frequently or feel their support, shall not enjoy with their jobs and show lower performance. After passing through resistance, resentment and denial phases; as a result of reaching supression phase, they supress their emotions, become introverted and unconcerned with their environment.
Therefore, directors play a very important role in employee’s lives. The directors, who critisize, judge and threat, shall destroy the mood, spirit and motivation of employees whereas the directors who coach, encourage and provide development oppurtunities shall motivate their employees and ensure them ride high. As a result of this, those teams shall not even pass to resistance phase and move their corporations to leading position.
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