Thursday, 17 November 2005 22:25

Life Should Be Dedicated To Objectives

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Everyone is singing Zeynep Dizdar’s, a personal friend, new song nowadays. Her new album (after her album “Yolun Yolun Açık Ola”, released in 1997) “Ille de Sen” contains nine new song as well as a remix of 2Vazgeç Gönül2 a song from her last album. The music and lyrics of two songs, including the number one hit single “Zehir Gibi”, belong to Zeynep.

Zeynep became interested in music after recieving a mandolin for her tenth birthday and has since been involved with music. Her dream was to become a solo artist. She spent her life running after opportunitis that would help her achieve her dream. She worked in a studio, was a backing singer for artists such as Sezen Aksu, Ajda Pekkan and Harun Kolçak and attended different events with her own group. A short while back she achieved her dream and became a solo artist for Sony Music and released her debut album.

Amoungst people who devote their lives in order to achieve their dreams Zeynep is a good example. She has spent most her life working towards being a solo artist. Today when you carry out a google search on “Zeynep Dizdar” you find 20 000 applications. 106 Istanbul FM have given the new album a five star rating. “Zehir Gibi” is one of the most played songs in clubs. The examples are endless and none of them are a coincidence, it all comes down to a vision and plan set at childhood. Success is the result, today there is a fast an furious Zeynep Dizdar.

Even though the road to success is different for everyone the fundamentals are similar. Another success story is Vahdet from Alanya. He isn’t actually from Alanya he fleed there after terrorism struck the southeast of Turkey. Vahdet and his wife own a small shop in Alanya which sells cassettes and child clothing to tourists. Vahdet usually deals with German tourists while his wife assists the Russian tourists. In otherwords there is a distribution of work between them. When asked “What do you do for a living?” Vahdet answer is “I deal with tourism”. He identifies every cassette or babygrow sale as a boost to tourism. As you can see Vahdet has a vision, and in contrast with the job he does a very elaborate vision.

When we look at the bigshots of today we can see how elaborate their mission and vision is. For example Nokia’ vision is "Life Goes Mobile" and its mission is “Connecting People” . Thanks to this mission and vision Nokia are constantly working on innovative ideas. People with narrow visions only limit their success.

Vision is something that works for both the company and the people in it therefore, a company with a vision in line with those of staff will be more successful that their competitors.
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