OSD published the 2005 Q2 performance report for the automotive industry. According to the report, 442,891 vehicles, an increase of 2.6%, where manufactured between January 05 – June 05. 52% of vehicles manufactured were cars whereas 39% were pick-up trucks.
323,913 vehicles, a decrease of 15%, were sold within the domestic market between January 05 – June 05. Car sales which was 236,000 in 2004 Q2 declined to186,000 in 2005 Q2 with a decrease of 21%. The total amount of commercial vehicles sold decreased from 146,000 to 138,000, which is a downslide of 5% in contrast to the same period in 2004.
In the commercial vehicle category; light commercial vehilcle sales deteriorated by 2%, coach, trucks and heavy trucks sales shrunk by 30%, 22% and 21% respectively and minibus sales dropped by 15%.
Within the downfall in domestic market during the first six months, export of cars and commercial vehicles increased by 11% and 39%. The total increase in exports was 22%. 3412 trucks were exported resulting in a record 312% export increase. Pick-up trucks and coaches follow close behind with export increases of 38% and 30% respectively. While minibus and midibus exports are increasing, the increase rates are 5% and10%.
Export in both automotive key and supply industries increased by 33% totalling just over six billion dollars between January – June. Key industry sales made up 70% of exports. Automotive came second in industry based listings with a 18,9% share. Overall automotive industry exports increased by 38%.
The increase in truck, pick-up trucks and coach exports, while sales downslide in the domestic market, sets forth that Turkey is a serious commercial vehical manufacturing base.