Differentiation efforts are very crucial for establishment of a long-term strategies for companies in order to survive within present markets with fierce competition. All employees, including the top management, are trying to find reason of their existance in the markets while determining their long-term strategies. Companies, who define customers as reason of their existance shall steal a march at the beginning.
The definition of customer within dictationaries:
Customer is the person who gets used to buy regularly from a company.
In other words, the person, who gets used to buy from the same company, becomes the customer of that company.
Companies shall be able to survive provided that they can keep on selling. That is why they should both get new customers and also protect their customer portfolios. For this reason, they are trying to understand the needs of their customers and solve their problems.
On the other hand, customers expect empathy and respect from the companies. In other words, customer wants companies to respect their needs and put theirselves in the shoes of customers. Any client, who believes that he has many problems, shall leave the company and find another one as soon as he confronts insufficient service.
Customers do not complain much indeed, but they never forget. The customers, who are not remembered, shall forget the ones who does not remember them in very short time
In fact, customers are bias against particularly large-sized companies: The price is high, they do not care about me, so much red tape, not enough flexibility etc. The companies, which are aware of this fact, make changes for the favour of their customers. They create new ideas to excite their customers and always remain one step ahead of their competitors by not only making their companies but also surprising them. They always change theirselves in order to amaze their customers. They have different way of thinking, develop innovations and apply those innovations without any fear or hesitation.